Have you started sending an ezine, but don't see an increase in your sales? It may be because you haven't developed the level of trust it takes for someone to buy from you.
Your ezine readers are more likely to buy from people that they know, like and trust. It takes time to develop that relationship, and turn it into sales.
1. Ezine stands for "electronic magazine" - not an advertisement.
If your ezine is one big promotion for multiple products and services, it is not an ezine. You may have heard of the 80/20 rule. I like to use something similar I call the "70/20/10" rule with regard to ezine content. It should contain 70% valuable content/article for the reader, 20% promotion and a good 10% of personal information so that the reader learns about you - and starts to feel like they know you.
Take a look your past ezines and see if you can apply the 70/20/10 rule to them. And then start applying this formula to new editions.
2. Make your Introductory section count.
Every ezine should have these 3 equally important parts: an introduction, an article and a promotion area.
To work on building a relationship with your readers, your introduction is very important and should include:
A photograph of yourself. When people see your face (even if you're not crazy about your photo) they immediately raise their trust quotient with you because they know what you look like and can put a "face" to your voice/writing.
A signature.You may think that your signature looks ugly, but whether it is creative or very clearly delineated, a signature makes people feel like they know you... which means that they're more likely to buy from you. All you have to do to create a "real' signature is sign your name on a white sheet of paper, scan it and turn it into an image that you can insert at the end of your introductory section. It just comes across as more personable.
Open your introduction with a few sentences of semi-personal information. Tell about what's going on in your world without getting too in-depth. When you share that you just attended an exciting conference, just read a great book, or perhaps completed a 5K run, people can identify with you... and understand about who you are - and that leads to trust. Be careful not to go overboard though, we don't want to hear how your puppy's potting training is going every week!
3. Send your ezine routinely.
Don't think that you can get away with sending your ezine every other month, or when you get around to it -- and be able to really connect with your readers.
You need consistency and frequency to build trust. Most successful ezine publishers send their email out on a weekly basis. I know -- I heard your gasp! "Weekly?" If that is not realistic for you, try bi-weekly and see how fast your sales will increase and your readership will grow!
The more opportunities you take to get in front of your subscribers, the more chances they will have to purchase your products and services.
BOTTOM LINE? The more you communicate with your prospects and clients, the more you will succeed. Not sure where to start? I invite you to get free help (and I do mean free) at http://www.ezinesetupmadeeasy.com. You'll get useful ideas and complimentary set-up and training to get you started right away from Constant Contact Business Partner, Deborah Davis.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deborah_Davis
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Deborah Davis
Davis, Deborah".".23 Oct. 2011EzineArticles.com.6 Nov. 2011
Davis, D. (2011, October 23). . Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Writing-Your-Ezine:-3-Ways-to-Build-Trust&id=6645510Chicago Style Citation:
Davis, Deborah "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Writing-Your-Ezine:-3-Ways-to-Build-Trust&id=6645510EzineArticles.com© 2011 EzineArticles.com
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