Effective email marketing tips are like money in the bank considering you already have a list of subscribers. Building a email contact list is not always an easy thing to do but once you got one it's important to immediately begin building relationships so people don't unsubscribe! The more success you have in this area the greater your marketing effectiveness will then be, hence the saying the money is in the list!
Here are 3 simple tips for building relationships with your email contact list which will lead to maximizing your marketing effectiveness with them down the road!
Get Cozy
Don't blitz people with too many product offers especially in the beginning. You need to demonstrate to subscribers why they should open your mail and remain on your list! Since you already know what they're interested in serve up plenty of information pertaining to their interests that is of use to them! Now you are not only being helpful and building relationship with these people but you're also developing your credibility with them as well!
Not Too Cozy
Give people their space and don't assume they live in front of their computers awaiting your next message! The people on your email contact list have lives like anyone else and therefore are likely very busy themselves. Respect their space and avoid contributing to the backlog of messages they have in the in-boxes! Even if they don't read your message they'll still see who it's from and if you pile up too many this could cause them to unsubscribe! Become known as a source of help and knowledge and NOT an irritant!
Offer Value
Whether it's helpful content or product offers it's important to remember value helps build credibility. It is equally important to remember that without credibility you got nothing in terms of marketing effectiveness online! Another thing to be very mindful of is do NOT make every contact one in which you are 'hawking' another product! Keep in mind that most people, yourself included, typically have the attitude 'what's in it for me' and if you're always 'asking' and rarely 'giving' you will quickly answer their question compelling them to unsubscribe!
Good marketing tips are always useful for anybody working online but none more so then those concerning your email contact list! Having direct access to people in this way is a huge advantage and should not be taken lightly therefore building relationships with these people is a must! Remember they chose to opt in and they can unsubscribe just as easily! The point is you need to demonstrate to subscribers that you have plenty to offer them! Smothering them with promotion after promotion will not only decrease your marketing effectiveness but also compel many to simply unsubscribe! The 3 tips offered above will help you show your appreciation towards those on your email contact list giving you a greater chance of promoting to them well into the future!
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For more marketing tips about using email and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit: http://affiliatequickstart.com/
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=TJ_Philpott
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TJ Philpott
Philpott, TJ".".1 Nov. 2011EzineArticles.com.6 Nov. 2011
Philpott, T. (2011, November 1). . Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Marketing-Tips-For-Improving-Your-Email&id=6664525Chicago Style Citation:
Philpott, TJ "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Marketing-Tips-For-Improving-Your-Email&id=6664525EzineArticles.com© 2011 EzineArticles.com
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